Ember's Shadow - Into the Darkness (an Ember Summers novel Book 2) Page 8
"What are you planning?" Marek asked softly, walking over to me.
James had stepped away and was explaining to someone on the phone what we had found. He left to go upstairs before I responded.
“What do you think?” I said defiantly.
"Don't do anything stupid, Ember." He warned.
I gave him a hard look of my own. He was going to try to control me and the situation. It was what he did.
"I'm done letting you take the lead on this. We lost Nat because I listened to you. I won't let it happen again." I said.
He shook his head, but I knew he understood. If he kept trying to protect me as if I couldn't defend myself, he was going to lose. My will was too strong for that bullshit. I promised myself right there and then that I wouldn't ignore a feeling I had again. I knew this was going to happen, but I let it play out instead of acting. It was my fault.
I let that revelation sink in for a moment then walked over to what Viktor had left for me. Before Marek could stop me, I picked up the note and tore it open. The writing was in an exquisite hand as if it had been done with calligraphy. It was the kind of handwriting you saw from the 1700s on old documents and letters. The beauty of the letters was spoiled by the fact it had been written in blood.
It read:
Dearest Ember,
Please let me start by apologizing that I missed you today. I had intended for us to meet again, but unfortunately, that was not possible. You see, there was an incident, and I had to take your sister away to a safer location. Did you know that I am not the only one interested in your more unique qualities?
I fear it has caused me to do something I did not intend, and now we must delay our meeting. When the time is right, I will come to you. It is best if you do not try to locate your sister. I know that it will be difficult for you, but please know that until she is ready, the meeting would not go as you expect.
Ever yours,
I handed the letter to Marek before he could tear it from my hand. He cursed immediately, most likely from not only the content but also because it had been written in blood.
"Is it my sister's?" I asked, referring to the blood.
"No, this is vampire blood." He said, sounding confused.
“What is it?" I asked, scrutinizing his blank face.
“It isn’t something a vampire gives freely. A vampire’s blood is powerful. We guard it, not give it away.” He said.
"He gave me a way to find him," I said.
"More than that. Victor gave you his power." He said.
"What do you mean?" I asked, looking into his cool blue eyes.
“A vampire gives his blood to only those worthy of the gift. Giving it to you in this way is an old tradition. This is how a vampire marked his intended. It was a sign of trust and respect to give your blood on a document such as this.” He said with reverence.
"His intended…what does that mean?" I asked, thinking of how Marek had freely offered his blood to me many times.
"He wants you as his mate." He said, and the cold dread that I felt from him panicked me.
I looked around to see that no one was there. James was waiting for the team upstairs, so we were alone now.
"Marek, you've given me your blood. What is your intention with me? You've had my blood as well." I said, holding my breath.
He looked at me like I was his air to breathe, and I gulped. He wanted me as his mate too. I could feel it in every fiber of my being, but he didn't say it. He was trying not to want me.
“I have a responsibility to keep you safe, that is all.” He said.
“Marek,” I said.
“No, not now.” He said as he turned to leave the room.
Just then, James walked in, and by the look on his face, he knew something had happened. It was probably clear by the fact I held the note open in my hand, not to mention the tension between Marek and me.
"What did I miss?" He asked, walking up to me.
"I couldn't wait," I said, handing him the note.
He read it silently, and the look he gave me after chilled me even more. He knew what it meant too.
"This is Viktor's blood, isn't it?" He asked me.
I nodded, and he swore so long and so hard I thought he wouldn't be able to stop. This meant more than I knew, and I needed the details ASAP.
“Tell me everything I need to know about this. Why are you and Marek so freaked about this?” I demanded.
Marek wasn't as forthcoming as I had hoped, but James didn't seem to leave anything out. Not only had Viktor proclaimed that he wanted me as a mate but putting his blood on paper with that intention was a warning to everyone else. If anyone got in his way from this day forward, their life was forfeit. It was vampire law and a tradition that stood the test of time. It didn't matter what my thoughts were on the matter, it was a master vampire's right to make a claim.
"Is there a book I can read about all this? I have a serious lack of knowledge on this topic for someone that has been declared the intended mate of a master vampire." I said, hoping James had a resource or that he could teach me himself.
“I’ll get you everything you need,” He said.
The look on his face scared me, but I didn't ask. I had enough shocks today to last me for a while. I didn't need to explore what he was feeling too.
A master vampire had marked me as his mate by sending me a letter written in his blood. Why did vampires think they had the right to claim people as theirs in the first place? It isn't like I had a choice, according to James or Marek, but becoming someone's mate had a permanence to it that I didn't like.
The language in the letter suggested a level of familiarity we didn't have. Calling me his dearest and signing it "ever yours" had me thinking I wouldn't be rid of the vampire by merely telling him no. He already demonstrated an obsession for me that was psychotic at best.
I tucked the letter into a pocket for safekeeping. If nothing else, I could use Viktor's blood to help me find him. His letter would be useful and hopefully lead me to my sister as well. Ultimately that was what I had to focus on. A weirdo vampire penning me love notes as if we were long lost lovers couldn't get in the way of what I had to do.
“James,” I called, and he turned around. “I need to get back to Denver.”
He nodded his head sharply and moved to talk to a few of his team that had arrived. I wandered back upstairs while he was busy. As I passed through the halls, I saw where Guardians had removed bodies and started cleaning up the evidence. I ignored the door where my sister had been held and hurried up to the ground floor.
Marek was arguing with someone and pointing toward the door I slipped through. I knew he felt me enter the room. Marek's shoulders tensed slightly, and his head turned just enough that he would be able to see me in his peripheral vision. He could stop me if he wanted to, but he let me pass.
I didn't stop walking until I got to the car. I leaned against the door and turned back toward the warehouse. Besides a few vans parked along the road, there weren't any signs of what had happened tonight. Vans in a warehouse district didn't stand out, so all looked calm and normal in the neighborhood.
I pulled out my phone and made a call while I waited for the guys to wrap things up inside. Although I had quit my job, I was sure Bob would let me come in to use the database for some of my own research. He was a reasonable guy, and since he told the staff that I took a leave of absence instead of quitting, I was sure he wanted me back.
As I finished my call, Marek exited the building and made a beeline for me. He moved faster than any human could possibly move, and I took a sharp intake of breath. Before I could let it out, he was standing in front of me.
I thanked my former boss and hung up the phone. When I got back home, I had a place to start. It gave me a sense of purpose and a direction to head in. It was what I needed right now.
“Why do you need access to your work?” Marek asked.
“I want to dig up everything I can on Vikto
r. His real estate holdings, his finances, everything I can possibly find.” I said.
"I have people to do that for us," Marek said.
"People that don't care about the outcome and people that may miss something because they aren't as deep in this as I am. Besides that, I know my shit, and there isn't anyone that can do a better job." I said proudly.
The corner of his mouth quirked up at my attitude. His feelings flowing into me were hard to miss. He liked it when I was cocky and confident.
“I will have James escort you back to Denver. He can connect with the Council resources while you do your research.” Marek said.
“I don’t think I need his protection, Marek," I said.
It made me angry that he couldn’t trust me to protect myself.
“You need backup. I know your strength, but even I leverage backup sometimes." He said.
"Fine, but bringing him to the office with Nikko, there could go badly. He is going to jump to conclusions and make it awkward.” I said cringing imagining how that might go down.
“He would be right. James is in love with you.” Marek said deadpan.
I was struck dumb by the comment. I tried several times to say something back but failed.
“Why do you say that?" I asked, finally managing to find words.
“He cannot take his eyes off of you and will do anything you say. If he wasn’t the best Guardian I have, he would be reassigned to eliminate any chance of a problem.” He answered.
I studied his face as I searched his feelings. He wasn’t happy about it, but he didn’t seem to be too upset. I knew James had feelings for me, but I didn't think it was as serious as Marek has made it out to be. James was right that we needed to have better boundaries.
"If that is true, it isn't his fault," I said, feeling guilty about how I had encouraged his affections.
“You have been affectionate with him, and he was warned not to let it go any further. Although he was told to keep you at the hotel tonight at any cost. I am surprised he didn’t take the opportunity to seduce you.” He said.
My anger peaked at the thought that James would sleep with me only to keep me in the hotel. I’m glad he didn’t. I don’t think I could forgive him if he did.
"Apparently, I need to learn to read a situation better," I said.
"Take this opportunity to learn how to handle James and Nikko, and before long, others will fall at your feet. With your power, you are capable of anything. One day you may even be leading your own Guardian team." He said in a voice that sounded almost proud.
Marek moved to walk away, but I grabbed his arm before he did and slid my hand into his. He looked down at my hand then up at me. I let go of him, and his crystal blue gaze held a warmth that made my body tingle.
“Where will you be?” I said in a voice that was softer than I intended.
“Wait for James. I will send him out to you.” He said with a small smile and stepped away.
I watched him glide back to the building. It was too smooth to call it walking. The man, well the vampire, was a cool cucumber. A bubble of envy lifted in me at how he was able to hold it together so well. I needed a dose of his calm and control. It's like I am fire, and he is ice.
I didn't even get upset that he left without answering my question, and I should have been. He exuded that control over everyone around him. He was able to quench my flames, which was rare.
James came out a short time later and found me scrolling through flight times on my phone. I needed to get back to Denver, so I could get started on researching Viktor's life and thus find my sister. Taking charge of the plans helped me relax enough to wait for him and not leave him behind.
“Are you ready to go?” He asked.
"Yes. Do you want to drive? I'm a mess." I said, looking at my blood-splattered arms, hands, and clothing.
"Sure," He said, taking the car keys from me.
He watched me walk to the other side of the car and get in. It took him a moment to get in, and when he did, he gave me a look that got me wondering what he was thinking.
“You seem fine,” He said as he started the car.
“I am,” I said.
“After what I saw in there, I thought you might be more upset.” He said.
I looked down at the blood splatters on me, but it didn’t bother me as much as it probably should. I felt accomplished at having worked beside Marek to take out so many enemies. It was like I felt a rush of power from having fought.
"I'll be glad to get cleaned up, but other than that, I'm good," I said.
“Good.” He said.
I told him about the flight times I saw, and he gave me a phone number to call his travel team. They booked us on the first flight out in the morning, which was only a short wait since it was already well past midnight.
Chapter Nine
James had his car at the Denver airport, so we loaded it up with our luggage and headed out. Our first stop would be my office, even though James thought I should get some more rest before tackling any research. I had slept on the plane and was feeling pretty good, so it wasn't necessary.
James sent in a request for information from the Denver based research team he used and had them send the file directly to me. I was itching to read the contents and to get my hands on my work computer so I could dig through everything. I had a feeling I would be able to find out more than his team was able to. I wasn’t just good at my job, I was great. That’s why my boss was hesitant to let me leave.
“If you quit your job, why are they letting you use their systems?” James asked.
“Because I asked nicely. And Bob wants me back. Nikko said he didn’t tell the team I quit, just that I was taking some time off.” I responded.
“When did you talk to Nikko?” He asked.
Shit, I hadn't told him about that little nugget. I looked over at him, and he was glancing my way, waiting for a response. I suppose not answering quickly would make it sound more suspicious than it was, and it was something I should have told James and Marek about. Somehow, I hadn't found the time.
"That is something else entirely." I started, "I probably should have told you right after it happened, but there was so much going on, I didn't mention it."
"You didn't mention what Ember?" He said, giving me the side-eye.
"I sort of connected to Nikko mind to mind. It was an accident because obviously, I didn't know I could do it, but we chatted briefly. That's when he told me Bob told the team I took a leave of absence." I said.
“Have you done it since then? Connect mind to mind that is.” He asked.
"Only with Marek," I said, cringing at the effect it would have on James.
He was a grown man who could take care of himself, but I didn’t want to hurt him. It seemed like an intimate thing speaking within someone’s mind like that. I suspected it would hurt him.
“That’s to be expected. Does Marek know about what happened with Nikko?” He asked.
“No,” I said.
"Your connection to Marek is part of the bond. I'm not sure if what you did with Nikko was a side effect of taking Marek's blood or power you already had." He said.
"Can vampire blood give you powers?" I asked curiously.
“It can and it does.” He said.
Having an ability like that could come in handy like it had when Marek and I were going through the warehouse searching for my sister. I didn't know if I could do it without the influence of vampire blood. I hadn't been able to do it before taking vampire blood, but that wasn't definitive proof of where it came from.
Thinking of Marek conjured up a vision of him covered in blood.
“Oh my God,” I gasped.
"What is it, Ember?" James asked concern evident in his voice.
"A vision…" I said, then got lost in the images.
I saw Marek shut himself in the hotel bathroom. He leaned against the wall and shook his head. Then he rubbed his hands over his face. He shook his head again. It looked like he was t
rying to clear whatever images were there.
He leaned over to turn on the water. As the spray filled the shower, he peeled off his blood-soaked clothing. His body was covered in cuts and bruises. I couldn’t tell how much blood was his and how much came from others. The damage was extensive, and it shocked me to see him that way. He hadn’t let on at all that he had been hurt.
Maybe it was a vampire thing, but his injuries didn't detract from his muscular body at all. Somehow the blood looked good on him as if it belonged there. That thought should have grossed me out, but instead, it ignited a small ball of desire in my belly. He could not only survive more than a human, but he was healing so fast I could see it happening.
Now naked, he stepped into the shower and rinsed off as much of the blood as he could before soaping up his body. He winced a few times as the soap got into the scrapes, cuts, and what now looked like punctures. Were those knife wounds? He must have been hit harder than I thought.
For the first time, I was seeing him react to pain. I suppose it was only logical that he would feel pain, but prior to this, the thought hadn't occurred to me. My heart hurt, watching him get cleaned up. I wanted to help him or comfort him, but he was all alone.
When he rinsed the soap from his body, most of the injuries had healed enough that they didn't look too bad. In fact, he didn't look bad at all. I tried to pull myself back, but the vision wouldn't let me out. I was stuck staring at him while hot water sluiced over his body. He stood under the spray for a while, letting the heat of the water beat into his back and shoulders.
Marek turned off the water and pulled a towel from the rack. Then he wiped the moisture from his body, and my eyes followed that towel everywhere it went. They tracked down his torso, over his abs and down lower. He moved the towel over his long legs then back up again. If I didn't know he wasn't aware of me, I would accuse him of doing it on purpose.
He ended the torment by wrapping the towel around his waist, covering himself from further prying eyes. A few rogue water drops fell from his hair as he moved, and they ran down his chest. I couldn’t help but watch them as they made a wet trail down his body. Although he was covered up a bit, his lean muscular body was still very much on display.