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Ember's Shadow - Into the Darkness (an Ember Summers novel Book 2) Page 5

  “You’re crying.” He said softly.

  “Yes,” I admitted.

  “And you reached out to me?” He asked, tentatively.

  I could feel him trying to be gentle, but he was so happy inside it actually brought a small smile to my face.

  "I did, but I'm not sure how," I said truthfully.

  “I’m sure your Guardian can help you figure that out, but I'm glad you did. I miss you, Em," He said.

  I cringed at the mention of my Guardians, they are both acting strangely, and I needed someone I trusted. Although he hurt me, I realized I still trusted Nikko.

  “They aren’t making things easy for me. I just needed someone I knew to calm me a bit. Thank you.” I said.

  "I love you, Em. I'm here any time you need me." He said, and I believed he was sincere.

  “I shouldn’t have reached out to you. I’m not sure how or why I did.” I said, and I could feel the hurt coming from Nikko.

  "No matter what has happened, I will always be here for you." He said.

  "I know," I said, confident that it was true.

  “But Em, maybe next time you can call me? I almost dropped a dumbbell on my foot.” He chuckled.

  “Sorry…” I started.

  "No, no, Em, it's okay. Please don't apologize. I can't believe you can do this, but I'm happy you did that you connected to me." He said with such warmth, more tears dropped from my eyes.

  "Thanks, Nikko," I said glad that I wasn’t really talking because I would have had a hard time forming words while crying.

  “Where are you? I know you quit, but my father told the team you took a leave of absence from work. I’ve been worried.” He asked.

  "It's hard to explain," I said, trying to think of what to tell him. It was interesting that his dad didn't say I quit, which I had.

  “You can tell me anything.” He assured me.

  "I don't want to burden you, Nikko. I should leave you alone." I said.

  "Hey, Em, call me later?" He asked.

  "Thanks, Nikko, take care," I said and broke the connection.

  Being in his head was eye-opening. He did still love me, and more than I thought. I wasn't sure I should be leaning on him right now, so I hadn't answered his question. We had broken up. I couldn't talk to him about issues with James and Marek. It felt too much like talking to my ex about my love life. That was a sobering thought. Was this my love life?

  I left the bathroom clean in body but not in mind. I sat on the bed in a towel and pondered what my life had become. I went from a life I loved with the man I loved to chaos and supernatural powers I couldn't comprehend, let alone control. I just connected mind to mind to my ex-boyfriend who cheated on me. My life had become insane.

  Chapter Five

  "Ember Summers, you need to pull your head out of your ass," Sam said.

  I sighed. Sam was right, but I still didn't want to hear it.

  "I know, I know!" I said, agreeing that I shouldn't be contacting Nikko.

  "That man probably thinks you are going to get back together with him. It's sad, really." She said.

  "I couldn't help it. I accidentally dialed Nikko's number and couldn't bear to hang up on him." I said, not telling her it was actually a mind to mind type of call. She would never understand that.

  "Butt dialing him is no excuse. I know you have a hard time letting people go, but you have to give the man some time to reflect on what he did before you act like friends again." She said.

  "I hear you," I said.

  "You have plenty of other people who love you, including guys who would kill to date you. What about James? I know you are attracted to him." She said.

  "It's complicated," I said, thinking about how it was even more complicated with what happened with Marek. I hadn't thought about James romantically in a long time. Something changed.

  "You know the best way to get over a guy is to jump on another one?" She said, laughing.

  “You mean literally jump on one?” I laughed.

  "Yes, that is just like me," I said sarcastically.

  She was behaving silly, which was making me laugh, and it was exactly what I needed. There were so many intense emotions going through my head, having a moment to chat with my best girlfriend was a much-needed event.

  "I'm just saying that if the opportunity presents itself don't overthink it. Let it happen." Sam said.

  “I’ll keep it under advisement," I said.

  “Although Greg will be disappointed if you find another man. The two of you have chemistry, and Todd and I love you both." She said wistfully.

  “I know Sam," I said, feeling a tinge of guilt.

  Greg lives with Sam and Todd. They have been roommates since college and the best of friends to each other and to me. Greg and I flirt like we should be dating. The problem is that neither of us is ever single at the same time, so we have never actually dated.

  After what happened with Nikko, I was reluctant to ruin another great friendship. Greg was off-limits for now. If it ever happened between us great, otherwise I was glad to count him as a good friend.

  "I love you, Em. Take a breath and do something fun. Promise me you will take care of yourself?” She said.

  “I promise Sam. Love you too. Send my love to Todd and Greg. I’ll call you later in the week.” I said and hung up the phone.

  I thought about calling my parents to give them an update on Nat but chickened out and sent a quick text to my dad instead. There was nothing new to report, but I had to let them know I was still on it.

  I missed my friends, but I had to get my head on straight and think of my sister. I could feel a constant unease anytime I thought of her. I pushed aside my feelings and went to find James. We had a date to train today, and I wanted to get it done so we could move forward.

  Marek, James, and I got in the rental car and headed out of the city. If all went well with this training session, I expected to be included in taking down the warehouse where my sister was being held and getting her back. I'd had enough of the attack style training Marek preferred.

  It turned out that when the three of us were in the car, James had to ride in the back seat. His long legs were scrunched up, and he didn't look happy at all to be there. I guess when your boss is a vampire, and he claims the woman you are guarding is a higher rank than you, there is no other seating arrangement. Poor James…

  We drove out beyond civilization near the White Tank Mountains. Marek avoided any hiking trails or signs of life pulling onto a dirt road that led us to no road at all. I was surprised the rental car made it all the way out there without getting stuck.

  "We will start with your kinetic power. Up until now, you have only used it when threatened, but it has been inconsistent." Marek said.

  "I think I know where to start," I said and pushed with my power against Marek’s chest.

  He was pushed backward but not far. He stayed on his feet and laughed.

  "Is that all you have for me?" He said, smiling an evil grin.

  "Honestly, I was hoping for more," I said, frowning.

  I really did think I was going to throw him down on his back at the least. After what I had done before, I had much higher hopes.

  “Maybe she needs to tap into her emotions?” James offered.

  “Indeed,” Marek said and motioned for me to try again.

  I took a deep breath and thought about how angry I had been with Marek yesterday and how scared I was about him taking my blood. A surge of unease went through my body, and I used it to push more power into my command.

  Marek was knocked over and landed inelegantly on his ass. I couldn’t help my laugh.

  He was up and in my face in an instant. I tried to push him again, but before I could, he had me on my ass. He was the one laughing now.

  "Not fast enough, Ember. You must use more power and make it hurt. Pushing a vampire down only delays them. It will not incapacitate." Marek said.

  He held me down on the ground, his hand pushing down on my ch
est to keep me where I was. I could tell from our bond that he wasn’t going to go easy or worry about hurting me. He was sure that our blood exchange would keep me from being hurt too badly. Interesting revelation…

  I tried to pull more information from Marek, but he shook his head no and shut down our connection.

  "No cheating, Ember," He said with a growl.

  I pushed him off me and got to my feet before he got up. As he ran toward me again, I didn’t hesitate and pushed more power into him. He flew backward ten feet and landed on his knees.

  “Better but not good enough,” He snarled and ran at me again.

  He moved faster than I could see, and I hit the ground, my breath whooshing out of my lungs all at once. It hurt…bad. I laid there stunned for a moment, and Marek took that as an opportunity to fully incapacitate me. He had me on my stomach with my arms pulled painfully behind my back quicker than I could imagine.

  “If I wanted to kill you, you would already be dead.” He whispered into my ear.

  My body shivered at the light touch of air against my ear. Marek had his knee in my back with my arms pulled up at a severe enough angle he could have snapped the bones with a flick of his wrist. Somehow my body still thought his whisper was pleasant. My body could suck it!

  I screamed, throwing my power back at him and adding a little something extra. Just pushing him back wasn't working, so I tried pinning him down like he did to me.

  "Ember, no!" James yelled.

  It was too late, I had Marek down and jumped onto him, trying to grab his arms. I should have known it was stupid. Marek's elbow connected with my head, and my vision went black.

  “Em, can you hear me?” James said.

  He sounded far away, but as my brain woke back up, I realized my mistake. I thought Marek wouldn't hurt me. I was wrong.

  "Shit, why did you do that?" I yelled, trying to find Marek.

  “Coddling you will not teach you to fight.” He said.

  James offered me a hand. I took it, and although dizzy, I got back on my feet.

  “If I may, I’ll show her some basics of self-defense. She doesn’t know much yet.” James offered Marek.

  He inclined his head to James in the affirmative and stepped back to watch the show.

  "Let's go over a few basics before you get knocked out again," James said, glaring at Marek.

  He showed me how to stand so that my weight was balanced and where to look. He also showed me how to make a fist so I wouldn't break my hand if I hit someone.

  “Now punch me but push the power through your elbow instead of thinking about your fist. When it comes from your bicep and shoulder it will make your punch land harder.” He said.

  I threw the punch and it landed right in his stomach. James grunted slightly, but it didn't really phase him.

  “Sorry,” I said.

  "You need to punch harder, Em," He said, motioning me to punch again.

  “I don’t want to hurt you. It's easier to hit Marek knowing I can’t really hurt him.” I said.

  “You won’t hurt me either.” He assured me.

  I looked at him doubtfully but threw another punch. This time I trickled in some kinetic power with it, and it knocked him back about a foot.

  "Sorry!" I said, cringing at what I just did.

  James shook his head like it was nothing.

  "Let's try a few other punches." He said. "Landing a punch is one thing but targeting a weak point on the body will make your punch a lot more effective."

  James said to target the eyes, throat, stomach, kidneys/liver, or groin. Those are areas that, if hit, double the pain and increase the likelihood of incapacitation. He had me practice aiming for those spots (I was careful not to injure him regardless of what he said), and I found that my aim was actually pretty good.

  He showed me a series of punches and jabs and had me repeat them over and over until sweat started to pour down my face.

  “Good, now let’s add in some kicks. A front kick is good for keeping your opponent in front of you and far enough away that they are less likely to be able to throw a punch. You can also use this one for a groin kick.” He said and demonstrated the technique for a good front kick.

  After practicing that kick for a while and trying not to kick him in the groin, we moved on to other kicks.

  "Your shin can be as powerful as a baseball bat when used as the striking point in a sidekick. Combine that with hitting the liver or kidneys, and you can drop a large male with little effort. Watch me use that on Marek, then you try to kick me." He said and proceeded to kick Marek how he said.

  Marek found it amusing that he was the dummy in the demo, but his face showed no sign of it. I only knew because I could read his emotions.

  "Your turn Em. I'll let you kick me once or twice, then I'll start blocking. Try to kick me hard enough to drop me to the ground." James said.

  "I don't think that is a good idea," I said.

  “I’m tougher than you think.” He said with a wink motioning me to begin.

  I took a few soft kicks with my right leg aiming for his side then he started blocking me. I threw in a few punches and jabs that he taught me between kicks. I landed a few good ones that made me wince.

  “Harder Ember. You won’t know how much force you need unless you go all out. You won’t hurt me. It’s okay.” He said with a smile.

  "Famous last words James," I said.

  I kicked him and punched him and then landed a perfect kick. My shin connected with his left kidney, and he fell to the ground.

  "Wow," I said, shocked.

  Then I dropped to the ground pulling him onto his back.

  “Ow,” He said.

  “I thought I couldn’t hurt you?” I said, concerned.

  "I'll be fine in a minute." He said, smiling.

  “Why are you smiling? I just kicked you in the kidney.” I said.

  “That’s why I’m smiling,” he said with pride. “You’re a quick learner.”

  “I’m sorry,” I said and helped him up.

  "More hitting, less talking," Marek said.

  I looked up at the vampire, and he motioned me to come at him. Hitting him would be a lot more fun but try as I might, I couldn't catch him. He moved way too fast.

  "Use your Sight, Ember. You can anticipate where he will move and be there before he even knows where he is going." James said.

  James was holding his side. I felt better seeing him upright, but the distraction cost me with Marek. He punched me in the stomach, and I doubled over with the pain.

  “Shit!” I yelped.

  "This is more than training Ember. This is your life on the line." Marek said, scolding me.

  "Okay, okay," I said, trying to stand back up straight.

  “Use what James showed you but put all your power into each movement instead of physical strength. When you fight a vampire, you cannot get in close like you did with James. If you get close, you die.” Marek said.

  I thought back to when I had faced Viktor Ivanov not that long ago. I had kept him at a distance for a while, but when he moved in close, I did almost die. A flash of searing pain on my chest and throat dropped me to the ground. I could hear Viktor laughing and feel the blood dripping from my wounds. I had summoned all that I had to take him down. I thought I killed him, but he was alive and taunting me. Tears fell from my face. The pain was more than I could take. It was going to kill me.

  “Milaya moya, he is not here. You are not hurt.” Marek had me gathered up in his arms within seconds.

  "I can feel it," I said, my teeth chattering like I was losing too much blood.

  “Feel me,” Marek demanded. “Listen to me.”

  I clung to the sound of his voice and felt his presence. It was so intense I could feel him through my entire body and mind. He had saved me then, and he was saving me now. Our bond was strong. I could feel his concern and his, not love, but something like it.

  "And me," James said, brushing the hair out of my face.

nbsp; I opened my eyes and saw then both leaning over me, caring for me. I took a deep breath and cleared my head of the memory.

  “Why did that just happen?” I asked, tears still trailing down my cheeks.

  Marek said, “Your power is growing, and you slipped into the past.”

  "I what?" I said, sitting up.

  "As a Seer, you can look not only into the future but into the past as well. You got caught in a memory." He said.

  "That is not something I ever want to do again," I said, shaking my head and clearing those thoughts out.

  "You may not have a choice. Ember, you must learn to recognize when you are in a vision so you can pull yourself out. If we had not been here, you might not have made it out." He said.

  The thought of getting stuck in a memory of the past made me shudder with fear. It was terrifying to be pulled somewhere against my will.

  "I think she needs a break from training," James said.

  Marek gave James a dirty look. It was clear he didn’t feel the same way. Marek was of the mind that pushing harder made you stronger. Weakness was for when you were dead.

  James didn't back down, though. "You can't push her like she is a vampire whether she has had your blood or not."

  The look Marek gave me told me he wouldn't be cowed into going easy on me. I hadn't even been the one to say it, but somehow, I got the blame.

  "I'm fine now, James," I said, grabbing his hand to assure him.

  He squeezed my hand and shook his head. “I don’t want you to get hurt.”

  "I'll be okay, James," I assured him.

  He tilted my head up, so I looked him in the eye. I thought he was going to kiss me or something, but then he pulled back.

  “Every mistake in training saves me from making the same mistake in a real fight. I’ll be okay.” I told James and turned to face Marek.

  Chapter Six

  Many hours later, I was regretting telling James I would be fine. My thigh was bruised deeply, and I couldn't put much weight on it. My eye was swelling shut and dripping blood from being slammed face-first into the dirt too many times to count. I was sure I had a few broken ribs and some internal injuries, not to mention having blacked out a few times.

  I was exhausted after a full day of training but clung to the fact that I had kicked Marek's ass as much as he kicked mine. I thought that was a win, especially when his injuries looked as bad as mine. His were healing on their own, though. He didn't need the healing treatments that I would need.