Ember's Shadow - Into the Darkness (an Ember Summers novel Book 2) Read online

Page 14

  "When Marek said room, I pictured a tiny room like in the clinic downstairs," I said.

  "He doesn't consider it his own. Marek travels a lot and is rarely home." James said.

  I followed James into the kitchen and sat at the large island. He started pulling food out of the refrigerator and heating things up. It looked like several meals' worth of leftovers except it was too organized.

  "Why does a vampire have food in his fridge?" I asked, confused.

  James laughed, “Because he knew you were going to be here. He had the chef prepare some food for you. All you have to do is heat it up.”

  "It sounds like he went to a lot of trouble," I said, wrinkling my eyebrows.

  "With as many people as are here every day, there is always food around. If you want something and don't see it in the fridge, you can call down to catering and have it brought up. Just tell them you are in Master Volkov's penthouse." James said.

  "It sounds peculiar to hear him called Master Volkov. I didn't even know his last name until today. Yours too." I said.

  "Everything is more formal here. Marek doesn't demand a title in the field in case someone overhears. That would be hard to explain away." James said, smiling.

  He assembled a plate of roasted chicken and potatoes then added a soft roll on the side. He set it in front of me, and my mouth started to water. It looked delicious.

  James made a plate for himself and sat next to me. He got us both a beer, and we dug in. I had eaten my food so fast that it was almost gone before I noticed.

  "So, do you like your job?" I asked, and he looked at me funny. "I mean, you get to hang with me and eat dinner. It's got perks, right?"

  He grinned at me and shook his head.

  “Eating dinner with you is a perk.” He admitted.

  I smiled back at him and chucked him on the arm. He grabbed me and threw me over his shoulder. I scream giggled as he ran with me into the living room. He threw me down on the couch and started tickling me. I laughed so hard I couldn’t breathe.

  James was on his knees focused on tickling me, so when I threw my leg over his shoulder and flipped him off me, he was shocked. He landed on his back on the floor with me on top of him.

  "How did you learn to do that?" He asked, marveling at what I had done.

  “The internet,” I said as I stood up.

  I helped him up off the floor, and he stood. Then he stepped in close to me. He didn’t look like he was laughing anymore.

  “James,” I said softly.

  I didn't want this to turn into a kissing moment. I had decided that we wouldn't be more than friends, but he and I hadn't spoken about it. It was an awkward moment, but the right time to say something.

  “I know,” He said and pulled me in for a hug.

  He kissed me on the top of the head and suggested we watch a movie. I left him to navigate the multiple remotes and giant tv while I cleaned up dinner. I brought over our drinks just as James started a movie.

  I found a blanket on the arm of the couch and pulled it over me. It may be Spring in Colorado, but that didn't mean the weather was getting any warmer. James grabbed another remote and turned on the fireplace. It was cozy and comfortable.

  I must have been more tired than I thought because I woke up later, cuddled up to a warm body. I started to panic, thinking it was James until I smelled warm vanilla musk and felt the expansive power of a familiar vampire.

  "Hey," I said, looking up at Marek.

  He brushed the hair out of my eyes and adjusted his hold on me.

  "I need to stop waking up to a different person than I fell asleep with," I said.

  He laughed, “You need your rest, it has been a long day.”

  "What time is it?" I asked, trying to see if the sun was up or not.

  “It is about midnight,” He answered without looking at a clock.

  “You say it is, never it’s. You don’t like contractions, do you?” I observed yawning.

  "No, I do not," He said, smiling.

  I grinned back at him. I've heard it said that the more you like someone, the more attractive they become. I would say that is true with Marek. I did not like him at first, but he has grown on me, and the more I like him, the more handsome he looks to me.

  “How did the meeting go?” I asked.

  His face lost some of its humor as he replied.

  “They recognize you do not have a bond with Viktor, but they are reluctant to make a decision. They are unsure if they have the authority to grant what you ask.” He said.

  "So, their decision is not to decide? That's bullshit." I said, feeling angry.

  This group that was self-appointed to protect others were refusing to protect me from a crazy vampire. It was ridiculous.

  “They are delaying a decision, yes.” He said.

  "You look worried," I said, studying his face.

  "I am wondering if you have a bond with him that I cannot detect. He must believe he has one," He said, wrinkling his eyebrows in concentration.

  I thought about it for a moment and tried to find any piece of Viktor's blood within me. I searched every part of me and dipped into my power to see if anything was resembling him there. I found nothing.

  “We don’t have a bond. I am sure of it.” I said.

  Marek looked relieved, but he was still worried. He was the one that convinced me to seek the Council's aid in breaking Viktor's claim.

  "That is good," He said, but he was still deep in thought.

  “Since the Council won’t act, that leaves only one way to break Viktor’s claim,” I said.

  “No, we will find another way.” He said.

  "Always trying to protect me," I said, putting my hand on his cheek.

  “It is my duty,” He said.

  “The job,” I said, upset that was his only reason.

  Marek pulled me close and lifted my chin so I would look him in the eyes. What I saw there was different than his words. I should have felt it all, but I hadn’t opened up to it.

  “Part is the job. The rest is entirely personal.” He said.

  “Marek,” I said.

  He brushed a few strands of hair from my face and kissed my forehead. It wasn't what I expected, but it was no less welcome. I yawned and blinked hard to clear my eyes. I wanted to spend more time with Marek, but I was exhausted.

  “Come, I will show you to the guest room.” He stood and pulled me by the hand down the hallway.

  Walking behind him, holding his hand, was surreal. This was the guy that I knew mostly as an asshole, but I trusted him more than anyone I knew. I couldn't explain it, so I just went with it. He was a powerful man, well vampire.

  A few doors down, he opened a door and ushered me in. I was surprised by the décor. Instead of the modern cold style of the living room and kitchen, the guest room was warm with traditional touches that I loved. A king-sized bed of dark mahogany took up a large portion of the room. It was covered with a white duvet and blankets in shades of dusty pink and grey. The contrast with the dark wood was stunning.

  A white chandelier draped with strings of crystal beads and candle style lights hung from the ceiling. It looked like it belonged in a French boudoir, not a downtown loft. The light created a pattern on the ceiling that was intricate and beautiful. The walls were a soft white with an accent wall of deep navy behind the bed.

  “It’s gorgeous,” I marveled.

  "I thought it would suit you," Marek said, smiling.

  I wondered if he had it made up for me or if it had been this way before.

  I noticed a bag sitting on a high-backed chair that resembled one of mine. When I opened it, I saw it was filled with my clothing and some toiletries. It was everything I needed. I looked at Marek, and he seemed proud to have surprised me.

  "I had someone pick up some of your things so you would be more comfortable," Marek said.

  "Thank you," I said, smiling at him.

  "The room has an on-suite through that door. I will be down the hall
if you need anything." He said and turned to leave.

  “Marek,” I said, and he turned back to me.

  “Any word on Natalie?” I asked.

  "Not yet, I expect another report by the morning." He said, then left.

  I wondered if he was going to bed then realized he was my near guard for the evening. He would be awake and close by if I needed him.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Marek and James were arguing while I tried to eat my breakfast. The team had found something last night, but the news wasn’t good. They thought Natalie was being held in Viktor's coven home, which was not a place they could go in. There wasn’t a way to go in to get her without a very public fight.

  I shoveled the last few bites of omelet into my mouth and washed it down with a vanilla latte. There are serious perks to living in the compound as a guest. I distantly wondered if I could get a coffee to go.

  James was trying to make a point about breaching the north side of Viktor's complex when I interrupted.

  “Wouldn’t it be easier if Viktor invited me in?” I suggested.

  Both men looked at me like I was crazy.

  “He already promised to find me when the time was right. I can push the timeline and make him see me now.” I said.

  "He wouldn't let any of us near you if you did," James said.

  “It is not an acceptable risk,” Marek added.

  “I have a few neat tricks of my own thank you very much. I can take care of myself better than either of you give me credit for.” I said.

  Marek stared at James for so long I was sure they were talking to each other in their minds. I tried to dip in only to get slapped back by Marek. It made my head hurt, and I rubbed at it until they turned to me.

  “It could work,” Marek said.

  I had to pick my chin up off the floor because Marek was going to let me go in without backup. There had to be a catch, but I didn’t see it yet.

  "What's the plan?" I asked, trying to hide my giddiness.

  I had taken out Asher Sanz, I was confident I’d be able to handle much of what Viktor could throw at me.

  James said, "You make contact with him and ask for an audience. Viktor will want to meet you somewhere you will feel safe, but instead, you ask to see his home. If he thinks you are seriously considering mating with him, he might go for it."

  “That is a big ‘if.' I have made myself clear many times that I want nothing to do with him. Why would he believe me now?" I asked.

  Viktor wasn't stupid, deluded yes, but not stupid.

  "Use as much truth as possible to sell the idea," James said cryptically.

  "Such as?" I asked, not knowing where he was going with this.

  “Vampire blood. You have grown a taste for it. He will know that as soon as he is close enough to you to detect our bond. You also want your sister back. If he gives you both, it is a reasonable bargain.” Marek said.

  “So, if he releases my sister, I'll agree to form a bond with him to see if we can make it work? It's weak, and what's to stop him from taking me as his mate without permission?" I said.

  "You will," Marek said with a hint of pain on his face.

  It was gone before James noticed, but I saw it and felt it from him. He wasn't happy with it but knew it was our best shot.

  “How?” I asked.

  Marek looked at me, and I understood. He would teach me, but I wouldn't like it.

  “Lessons,” was all Marek said.

  I pushed my plate away. I felt a little ill at what I was going to have to do to resist Viktor, but if it got my sister back, I was all in. I told Marek that, and we got to work.

  James called in a few Guardians to wait outside the apartment in case they were needed. He wanted what was actually happening to remain a secret as much as possible. I appreciated it since when I drank vampire blood, things got personal. I was hoping James would stay outside too, but Marek insisted he stay.

  "James has brought you out of it before, and he can get through to me if needed," Marek said as an explanation.

  I shook my head and agreed. This was going to suck, but it was going to feel awesome before that. James was going to be in for a show.

  "How are we doing this?" I asked, anxious to get this done.

  “I will try a psychic attack first. Then we have a blood exchange, and you will try to resist me. Viktor doesn't know what you can do, so I will not tell you what to expect from me. Then you roll me as if I were him and make me do something I wouldn’t normally agree to. Do not tell me what it will be until you are sure I am in your thrall. Understood?” He explained.

  "Got it," I said nervously.

  If I couldn't stop Marek, this was all for nothing. I had to be strong enough so I could get Natalie back. I could do this, I just had to stay focused. Marek wouldn't go easy on me, which would help.

  "Block me from your mind," He said, then hit me so hard with a psychic attack that it doubled me over.

  He picked and pulled and hit and tried to steal everything in my brain. It was all force, and at first, I couldn't do anything but bare the pain. I remembered some of what James had taught me about blocking vampires, and I took a deep breath and pushed an imaginary wall out from my mind. It started as a tiny bubble keeping my thoughts from Marek first, then it grew.

  I felt a tiny bit of relief as the bubble expanded out beyond my head and began to push down my body. Marek's attack grew, and the bubble threatened to pop. I turned it to glass just as it covered my body. That was a mistake.

  Marek smirked and shattered the glass. The broken pieces cut just like real glass. I felt every cut as they drew blood. I heard James yelling, but I tuned him out. We weren't stopping, no matter what. I had to learn this the hard way. It was the best way.

  Marek paused his attack for a split second. He could smell my blood, and it was calling to him. I used it to my advantage. I took a few steps closer to him, and he took a step back before realizing what he had done. It was too late. I already pushed myself into his mind.

  The steel wall stopped me from getting too far, but not before I felt his fear. I copied his wall just as he tried another attack. This time he bounced right off, but he didn't stop. I held the wall up as he hammered at it. It was exhausting, but I pushed all I had into it.

  "Don't use up all your energy in one defense, Ember," James said.

  I let up slightly and still held the barrier. I wasn't being drained as severely, although it was still taking a lot of energy to maintain. Marek kept up the psychic attack as he stepped forward. I held my ground, but he came closer ever so slowly.

  "What are you doing, Marek?" I asked.

  He smiled and dropped the attack. I slumped from the sudden release but stayed aware of what he was doing. The lesson was far from over.

  "That was good, Ember," Marek said but frowned at all the cuts on my skin.

  They were healing but not as quickly as he wanted them to.

  "Now, the blood exchange. Come here." He ordered.

  He pulled me into him and struck my neck so fast I didn’t have a chance to move. To say it hurt would be an understatement. All the times I had let him take blood before it hurt a little but not like this.

  I cried out and punched him. It didn’t slow him down at all, but it made me feel better. Then Marek turned his bite into the most exquisite silky warmth I had ever felt.

  I pulled Marek closer and ran my hands up his body then around his neck. My fingers ruffled through his hair and then back down over his chest. At that moment, I realized I was getting dizzy and remembered that he was still drinking my blood. He usually stopped by now, but this is a lesson, and he wouldn't hold back even if it might kill me.

  "Focus, Ember," James said sternly.

  I used the panic I felt to pull myself out of the haze Marek had put me under and focus on getting him to stop drinking. I put my hands up to his neck, thumbs right over his larynx, and pushed as hard as I could. I put a little of my power into it, and he immediately stopped drinking a
nd pulled back.

  His lips dripped with blood, my blood, and he looked pissed. He tried to talk and realized he couldn't. I had crushed his voice box.

  He grabbed me and threw me toward the wall. I used my power to slow myself down and hit with the same speed as if a human had thrown me. It still hurt.

  Before I could get up, he wrestled me onto my back and bit my neck again. This time I couldn't move my hands. He had them held above my head, and his legs pinned my legs down as well. I couldn't move him.

  The golden warmth filled me again, and I knew what it was this time. It was the mating bond. It felt beautiful, and I couldn't help my body arching under his. I could feel his body responding, too. I had to fight really hard to not want it, not to want him.

  I pulled at the thread of our bond. Now that we had shared blood, I could easily find it even with Marek shutting it down. I pulled tentatively at first and felt the warmth coming from Marek wane. Knowing I had found the right thing, I pulled on it hard. I practically yanked it into me, and he stopped drinking.

  “Off my neck vampire,” I said softly but infused it with power.

  He stopped drinking, and reluctantly let me go. He stood up but kept his eyes on me. He wasn't entirely under my control, so I pulled on the threads again, and his control slipped enough for me to get under it. The snarling look on his face went away, and he started to shake. He was fighting it, but I had him.

  "Kneel," I said, infusing my word with power.

  Marek continued to stand, although shaking, he still wouldn't move. I second-guessed my command. Maybe making a vampire kneel was too difficult. There wasn't anything more debasing in vampire society than to kneel to someone perceived to be less in power, especially someone who wasn't a vampire.

  I wobbled as I stood up and walked toward him, making sure I had a hold of him still. Then I reached out and touched his cheek. Our connection increased with the contact, and I commanded him to kneel again. His teeth ground together, and his hands balled into fists. His knuckles were white from the strain, but his legs began to bend.